Here's a statement of Pres. Obama from the last Sunday evening news televised in United States television:
"Tonight I can report to the American people and the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden."The manhunt operation is another frustration of the U.S. army to pursue their 9/11 terrorist attack ongoing investigation. In addition to report, he also noted and praised the brave men who fought for their country.
And now, people are gathered together in the Ground Zero not to commemorate the destructive forces that marked the said place but to denote the death of Osama in Pakistan. The crowd is now celebrating the successful manhunt of the intelligent Navy Seals based in the above mentioned province of Pakistan.
For the pasts ten years, the American people are gathered again in Ground Zero to celebrate in different ways. There are folks who lit a candle and prayed for their loved ones who sacrificed their lives in city's former financial district.
Related news and updates straight from Pakistan and the U.S. government can be heard in most of local televisions. You can watch the following YouTube video below of Pres. Obama's addressed for more:
September 11, 2001 is another remarkable day that will remind you on how the American people know how to protect their own people from the possible treat in the future. And before we can forget, the CIA are also working behind the plan of the government to locate the hide-out of the suspected terrorist and Al Qaeda leader.