viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Bethany Storro's Acid Attack is Fake!

It's a new developing story but the fact goes out from Bethany Storro's own recent statement about of what happened on her recently. According to previous reports, she has been attacked by a woman throwing her a deadly acid from where she got an unrecognized face after. But now, she totally admits that she is the one responsible from that incident. Although it is quite confusing, people are now asking the real things that happened and the new line of reports keep on coming up on the Internet since this morning about her.

Bethany Storro Acid Attack is Fake

Bethany Storro's injury is a serious stuff that earned a lot of attention recently as national television starts to aired a tragic report about her. The Oprah even asked her appearances on the show to talk about it but she probably denied their request for a certain sake. Sad to say, everything is fake or just an hoax which could lead a lot of hate towards her.
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