miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Nicky Diaz Accusations to Meg Whitman

The ex-eBay executive is now facing a tough allegations thrown by her former housekeeper while on the middle of her campaign for California's gubernatorial race. According to Nicky Diaz, the woman behind of this serious story that starts on the house of Meg Whitman, she has been illegally hired by politician to work abroad from Mexico way back in the year 2000.

Nicky Diaz Bad Accusation of Meg Whitman

She has been provided with what she needs to work legally in the U.S., a social security card and other related documents to stand as her passport to move freely in the country. But now, she turn her back from her previous employer, throwing bad allegations that could actually turn her down while asking for a top place in the government office from people who doesn't know too much about her.

Nicky Diaz was supported by few concern groups of people and of course, we cannot deny that the politics could reach to a tough story like of what we are trying to share at these moment, right? We cannot determine who's with them or those with interest as she surfaced just to tell something far from what we expect with Meg Whitman.
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