lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Katy Perry and Russell Brand Wedding Photo is Up!

Before of anything else, we would like to congratulates Katy Perry and Russell Brand, may their relationship last for a lifetime! The last Saturday wedding that takes place in India corresponds to the best start for both of them as they celebrate this special occasion, exchanging bows and tying a know to each other far from what we know that day. They are now on Yahoo's front page, as Hollywood Access brought out this report for their fans around the world.

It was a great day for both of them and people starts to talk about this event which takes place this October 23, 2010 in India. Although we are not aware of this recently, there are few folks on Twitter sending their complimentary message for both of them. Wedding photos of Katy Perry and Russell Brand is about to surface soon and you can take it out here later.

Check it out after this break.
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