domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook Interview

Why we have to give you a short title on this post? It's because, everything that we can share is all about the good stuff that awaits you as the next generation of Facebook user. Sheryl Sandberg who works on Facebook along with Mark Zuckerberg met Ariana Huffington for an interview to talk about their upcoming plans in regards with their mobile services, how the social networking application could extend its functionality by the use of our cellphones and probably other handheld devices.

Sheryl Sandberg Interview with The Huffington Post

They tackle stories on their mobile plans as well the privacy issue of Facebook users and those other related things that could bring us a good idea about the capability of this social media to bring the latest updates from where we are like Twitter.

Just like with Google stance before, Facebook has been rumored developing their own mobile device OS, but of course, it is probably different from the giant search engine Nexus One, they probably need a special software for us to maximize the resources we have for their application. Check some more soon after this break as we continue our mission to investigate their plans.
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