viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Cal Culver Claimed a Relationship with Superman

A new story about the late Superman surfaces on the web again, but a quite tough which will let anyone think about the identity of Christopher Reeve. Cal Culver died few decades ago but his statement in regards with their relationship was now written on a book entitled "Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again". Although it is pretty confusing, he has a point to revealed everything before of his death way back in the late 80's.

Cal Culver Christopher Reeve Relationship Rumor

According to him, they cross together while on their way in a Broadway audition in 1970's and he further noted that Christoper was one of those who can give him a sensual stuff only from a man. Their relationship goes far for two-months only after Superman knows that he is also a star but on the other side of the film. His name was previously known as Casey Donovan but probably far from the family line of the U.S. famous soccer star.

Cal Culver's statements might be a conspiracy to disgrace the late kids favorite actor who's been a model for someone who knows him. He died peacefully from a healthy relationship with his wife. This rumor will probably came to the attention of his fans later. Then what they will going to think about him after?
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