martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Tim Tebow Counted in Colt McCoy's Wedding?

Colt McCoy's wedding serenade song given by Jordan Shipley of Cincinnati Bengals turns the crowd to heats-up their voice when he intentionally mentioned the name of the newlywed rival in college football games, Tim Tebow. A celebrity site video shows that even on the most important celebration of his life, the rivalry was still on its way to visit even the special moments.

Tim Tebow Colt McCoy Football Issue

If you tried to asked where is Tim Tebow during that time, no one knows about it but his name can actually make a few screams from those who are there with Colt McCoy and Rachel Glandorf wedding. The weeding celebration ended this weekend but the memories could always be remembered by the football star all through out of his life when his closed match enters his party.
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