sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

Rashad McCants Missed Cavs Summer League Invitation

Rashad McCants was expected by Cleveland Cavaliers to join their summer league but he totally missed everything because of unknown reason. Aside from his recently ESPN Magazine interview, the hard-headed player in NBA was scheduled to showed-out his hidden talent with the guys of the team and probably, it's an opportunity for him to catch the attention of those folks on the top.

Rashad McCants Cleveland Cavaliers Issue

Sad to say, Rashad McCants just throw away those stuff, he lost his previous job because of his attitude although his NBA performances was quite good for a usual player. Cavs might shows their interest with him but disappearing from league is another turn around for them not to give him a new slot on their squad. But in addition to report, he might probably missed the game not for his own personal reason as stated by a representative of the team.
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