martes, 22 de junio de 2010

General Stanley McChrystal Fluttered Lady Gaga?

The Rolling Stone magazine upcoming issue will feature Lady Gaga in the front cover with a machine gun bra. Then what's the big deal with this upcoming piece of mag? People are criticizing the story behind why the pop star needs to do that pose and according to the conservative group, General Stanley McChrystal profile and task to serve the Afghanistan war was endangered.

General Stanley McChrystal Inspired Lady Gaga

According to report, General Stanley McChrystal fluttered the "Poker Face" singer for being the model of this magazine issue but we cannot relate the story why he was involved from where he was far from the industry of the singer and he was on the central command of U.S. military force which is currently protecting the people of Afghanistan.

However, we are not concern with the woman in front of the Rolling Stone cover but the racy photos within can actually get the attention of the readers and the negative stuff brought by this icon to young minds.
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