domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Baseball Broadcaster Vin Scully's Retirement Rumor

Vin Scully has been in his field for more than six-decade and he is about to celebrate the 62nd year of service by 2011 season. The 82-years old baseball broadcaster is now on the centerfold of retirement issue but nobody confirmed that he is leaving his career. He started in Dodgers but has been raised in the land of the Giants and he expressed himself in few statements coming from his side how he loved the game since then.

Vin Scully Retirement Rumor in Baseball

According to the history, Vin Scully is another name written in the Hall of Fame who still served as the voice behind the uprising shouts of the diamond fans. His comments, ideology, and other contribution in sports can still be remembered by those people who knows so much of him. Let us check some more news and updates about the man of baseball decision after this break.
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