miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Jennifer Griffin Returned as Fox News Correspondent!

The interview of Gen. David Petraeus who is formerly assigned and become the centerfold of the Afghanistan U.S. military forces issues is the first major tasked tackled by Jennifer Griffin as she returned to Fox News as a correspondents covering the story of the complex life of those folks in the wild side of the world. According to source, it is good to see him again from the past few months because she was diagnosed with a serious illness from where she need to keep up her time with medical treatment.

Jennifer Griffin Returns to Fox News Photo

The inner thought what we are trying to point-out is that, the interview of Petraus brings a little questionable answer in the faith of others especially to those folks with love ones currently on the battle fields of the above mentioned country. We've been overcome with few information war before but now, we are trying to cope up the truth behind why the casualties are continue to rise as unexpected.
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