jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Myers Family Photo Shoot Captured a Rubber

The family of Myers accidentally capture a theft trying to rubbed their bag. A good contribution of our digital world with an impact not only at the time we need to review some of our precious moments. According to report from Gizmodo, it was a clear shoot which provide a sneak preview of a crime happening at their back while on their possed in front of the camera.

Meyers Family Photo and the Theft

In addition to report, an email has been shared for us to know about the little but interesting story of their family in Wisconsin while on their way to get a souvenir in one of the Madison landmark. Police immediately identify the man behind them from a the evidence taken by their cam.

That was a good timing for Myers to captured the other side of their special moments and for authorities to know what is going on while the family doesn't feel anything about the rubbery happening on their back.
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