Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher wedding ceremony takes place in Ritz-Carlton Lodge this July 10. But according to source, it is hard for uninvited guest to join the celebration because of well guarded vicinity in Reynolds Plantation at Greensboro, 75-miles away from eastern part of Atlanta. However, there are only few important folks expected to attend due to a very close and tight security from were paparazzi could even hard to penetrate or reach the nearby area of the altar.
The two will be binded together with eye witnesses from the squad of Mike Fisher in Hockey along with American Idol judge who came across from their line to Carrie Underwood's tying of knot. Furthermore, in addition to report, no gate crashers is allowed due to a heavy security from road leading to the location of their nuptial receptions.
For now, we just hanging around to look for available live photos and updates, making a lot of moves taking advantage what is going on this afternoon on the American Idol star big events of her life. Try to check soon for more.