The recent Uganda bombing allegedly killed Nate Henn, a peace advocate who's been in the said country for his mission to help and molds young minds in the country. He is one of those 64-people who was reportedly sacrifice their lives on the casualties brought by the explosion. The three separate explosion distracted the attention of World Cup viewers in Kampala. According to report, there are about 70 injured civilians out of these condemned blast on a highly populated area while making their way to witness the historical match of FIFA.
Ugandan government as well with the other nation top leader paid their tribute to the fatalities and gathered thousands of comments from around the world who are now waiting for updates and latest news about what happened next to the bombing. Furthermore, the advocacy of each people watching the big event has been loss by anyone who would like to destroy lives while on a peaceful situation.
Nate Henn is a brave man who lives his life for others till the moment of his death. Although, everything is just an allegation about his death but there are other Americans who's recorded to the list of casualties. Let us hear some more soon after this break when updates starts to surface on the wild side of the Internet through eyewitnesses and concern individual.