domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Julian Assange, Missing Wikileaks Founder

The founder of Wikileaks was reportedly missing for almost two-weeks already and nobody can tell about his location now. Julian Assange is a brave journalist who recently showed-out a video footage taken from a rampage made by U.S. soldiers in Iraq killing innocent civilians and even the Reuters media men. According to report, Bradley Manning is one of U.S. soldier who's been arrested due to that controversial video.

Julian Assange Wikileaks Missing Founder

Furthermore, other than that video, there are more other embarrassing documents that can bring a shameful stuff to the U.S. which surfaced to Wikileaks. Julian Assange might now hiding or probably, he is already been captured by those people concern in regards with this issue that can bring a lot of question for anyone else according to report.

However, the Pentagon is now searching Julian Assange but those confidential video are now on the web waiting for anyone else to discover and realized what is going on in Iraq. We cannot confirmed this issue brought by these video and documents taken from the custody of United States military.
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