A 13-year old girl is not yet aware of what she use to say in front of a live camera because during her appearances and interview in Today Show, Kayla Manson punched some bad words which has been criticized by few viewers recently. It's because probably of what she feels during the show but somehow, why organizer doesn't remind her of those things? The mind of this young woman doesn't really jive of what is currently happening around her.
We do not say that Kayla Manson is a bad teenage girl because of those words but we also considered the things she used to feel during that time because the interviewer asked some few questions in regards with the attempted murder of her friends. There are explicit words from her answer which is not actually good to hear, especially for those kids who are watching her in a live coverage of Today Show.
However, a replay of Manson interview was already been cleaned-up according to report to be aired again in other time slot of the television program.