jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Dr. Laura Schlessinger N-Word Brought Criticisms

There are some instances that our emotion could actually drive us away to what we suppose to make just like what happened to Dr. Laura Schlessinger who's been criticized from her repetitive used of N-words while on air. Her radio show caller might bring her a little doubt about of their situation and lead to a pretty little negative comments that is not good to hear.

Although it is a racy stuff, Dr. Schlesinnger was apologizing of what she tried to speak on a live coverage of her radio station program. The hypersensitive words she used to throw out of her caller conversation might not far away from the issue but too much was bring an offensive thing already.

Other than this issue, she also mentioned some racist commentaries which could probably ignite an issue and could lead to a serious consequences. And guess what, the interracial marriage she pointed out brings a hidden meaning for anyone else who heard it.
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