miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

George Levasseur's Giant Halibut Catch!

You might be surprise by this news came to our attention recently when one of the Valdez Halibut Derby contestant, George Lavasseur along with his company manage to bring a huge and monstrous fish weighing about 364-pounds. The previous record has been multiplied for almost 18-times by this year's competition. Along with his colleagues, they helped together to bring the giant ocean living element on their small craft and amazed by its unexpected size.

George Levasseur Catches a Giant Halibut

Outdoor recently published a photo of Lavasseur and the giant Halibut fish which brings them home the instant prize of the contest. But the stake of being the first person to capture a big thing from the wide area of water in Alaska will be remembered probably through the Guinness World Record soon.
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