miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

John Arnold and His Wife Charity Pledge

Reuters recently published the pledges of the United States few circle of billionaires charity pledges. John Arnold and his wife Laura is just one of those promises which will become a new historical contribution of human to their mankind if happens. According to them, they are looking forward to the positive as well in a transformative impact of these wealth not just for a certain individual but also to the needy around the world.

John Arnold and Wife Charity Pledge

Other than John Arnold's family, this story was part of the Bill Gates and Warren Buffet campaign of giving an about 50-percent of their wealths to charitable institution for a change and it is really great to hear this news because others might going to follow after knowing the goodness of their plan.

Other than these folks, an open letter from philanthropists who are willing to share their gift includes George Kaiser, Tashia and husband Morgridge, David Rockefeller, and those other names not common to Time Magazine and other well known publications.
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