domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Martin Bashir is Coming to NBC News!

For the past few years of service, people might find Martin Bashir good in "Nightline" but you might be surprise by this new updates in regards with him. He is now about to join the other network, the NBC News. According to report, he will be replace by Bill Weir from "Good Morning America". David Westin, the current president of ABC recently announced the upcoming news team members of the the program.

Martin Bashir is Joining NBC News

However, Bashir's reason was not clear for now but let us take some more rounds soon to check the certain things that drives him to change his media company. There are few of them from ABC who made their way to the other but somehow, people doesn't really mind their decision, what is important here is that, the quality and reliability of each news actually matters most.
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