jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

Michaele Salahi and Whoopi Goldberg Disputes

The Real Housewives of D.C. star Michaele Salahi appeared on "The Today Show" recently just to promote a new upcoming TV series but far from what we know, while on "The View", the segment ended with a little dispute against Whoopi Goldberg which is according to celebrity gossip sites report, the funny member tried to hit her and put the rest of the topic at the top.

Michaele Salahi Whoopi Goldberg Issue

Although speculations keeps on moving fast as a turning point of every topic, Salahi's co-stars statements could also be another set of basis that could ruin the rest of her story. There is no clear story that could determine what are those specific issue came over between of her side and Whoopi. Her recent interview could fascinated the rest but let us check and hear some more about her soon.
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