viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Rand Paul Denied His Kidnapping Issue

Jack Conway and Rand Paul is currently on their way making a great deal but one of them has been involved in an issue which reached to the attention of national people as mass media keep up their thing to brought this up in television as well in the Internet. The controversy sparks when GQ Magazine published a three-decade old story about a woman who claimed that she has been kidnapped Paul.

Rand Paul Kidnapping Issue Photo

According to Prison Planet, the man involved denied this allegation and he recently came out in Fox News to clarify everything. His campaign representative also supports his statements because however, there is no official charges has been passed on and evidence is quite far to remember at these days.

However, this story already starts to develop and speculations from two camps ignited by few searches on the Internet and hoaxes are just hanging waiting for anyone to believe it.
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