jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Coach Pete Carroll Joined Seattle Seahawks?

The Wall Street Journal post this morning brought as a report about USC coach Pete Caroll which has been rumored to join the Seattle Seahawks. Although there is no exact report or details for signing a contract, Jim Mora has been fired by Seahawks last Friday after of one season. In addition to report, Leslie Frazier was planned by Minnesota Vikings to be interviewed for this deal, he is the defensive coordinator which is also one of the Seahawks choice.

Coach Pete Carroll

According to Minneapolis Star Tribune report last Friday,
The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that Mr. Carroll was to receive a five-year contract worth $7 million per season to become coach and president. The Seahawks fired coach Jim Mora Friday after one season.
There might be more updates for this news later from the persons who knows the entire issue. You can read more about this report on the following URL below.

Location: http://tinyurl.com/ya8jvzf (copy and paste in your address bar)
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