jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Did Jarrod Wyatt Murdered Taylor Powell?

Although this is just an allegation, Jarrod Wyatt has been charged with murder after killing Taylor Powell, his very own sparring partner in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). According to report, he is under the influence of drugs when he made this crime which happens few days ago, that is way back in March 21. It's because probably of Psychedelic prohibited drugs that is why he never anticipate this thing to happened.

It is a shocking murder case made by Jarrod Wyatt which is according to his interview, he found Satan on Taylor Powell's body that is why he even cook those body part he used to teared-off from his partner in ring. For now, he's been charged with a 1st degree of murder and it's all because of Psychedelic stuff.
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