jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Free Games for PSP Go, Only for UK?

Sony recently confirmed the availability of their PSP Go in U.K. and will be packed with 10-available games which is totally for free. If you're one of those craving consumer who would like to have a piece of this handheld gaming console, and you're in the said region, try to keep an eye on this cause probably, few days from now, this will start to pop up in local stores near you.

Sony PSP Go with Free Games

What we are thinking for now is that, will Sony brought this model in other country with the same treatment? According to report, this free stuff will come suppose to be for about $10, but because PSP Go is pretty nice to thousands of consumer, they are now giving it for free and you can even save at least $100 for this. Try to check some more after this break.
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