Geisy Arruda has been expelled in her school because of a short dress found in YouTube video. Arruda has been expelled because of the scandalous outfit and media flurry from this incident and I think this is not an incident because probably, someone with interest uploaded this video in YouTube. It happens last October 22, 2009 and I cam across this story when media alarmed by this incident in a Brazilian university scandalous issue.
Because of the conservative culture of Arruda school, she's been sanction with a scandalous violation wearing a short dress and catch the attention of the school other students. I think this issue might not need to be talk about and school is now outside of it because somehow, it happens outside of their campus. They need to focus on the things that might happen inside but not on the outside.
But, as I read more about this issue, Arruda has been given by the school a warning before her expulsion, but she tried to keep on ignoring it and do some more things that the school might catch more attention about her. According to her statement, she's a victim of this video and suppose to be, the school needs more investigation before bringing the issue in more sophisticated thing to happen on their student.