jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Jane Lynch, Now Marry Lara Embry

Jane Lynch, one of Glee's personality now marry Lara Embry, a psychologist who's been linked few months ago. Their marriage is in private ceremony which has been followed by exclusive dinner party at Blue Heron restaurant in Sunderland, Massachusetts, the state that accept a legal same-gender partnership in life. The two has been met by a civil right occasion which is now came to rest for good.

Jane Lynch Lara Embry Marriage

According to report, there is no showbiz or Hollywood personality joins the ceremony but only close friends and family members of Jane Lynch and Lara Embry are there along with some LGBT members who's giving their all-out support for the two. For now, we are looking for the two wedding photos and we'd like to share these exciting thing soon.
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