domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

Manny Pacquiao and Krista Ranillo Issue

I recently came across to this issue when one of my colleague asked me recently about Krista Ranillo, and right now, I am moving much deeper in searching for the best news or reports I can get to know more about Manny Pacquiao and Krista Ranillo. There are some liberal bloggers shared their opinions, there are others who just want to ride with the issue, and there are others who never think of it as an issue, but just a rumors that might break the bond of Jinky Pacquiao and her Boxing Champ husband.

Manny Pacquiao and Krista Ranillo Issue

Manny Pacquiao and Krista Ranillo is not a perfect couple for a perfect situation. If this story brought more rumors that could break the bond of Mr. and Mrs. Pacquiao, please stop this issue from your trend, let them work with this problem, and do not add more details which could somehow brought more issue from the couple.
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